Domain Join Cannot Complete This Function

Posted : admin On 26.12.2019

Join Domain Windows 10 Missing

Domain Join Cannot Complete This FunctionWindows

Hi,I'm doing an AD upgrade of windows 8.1 Pro to Windows 10 Pro, I removed the PC from the domain, deleted the AD computer object and ran the windows 10 app, then when trying to rejoin the Win 10 PC back tothe Domain I'm getting the following error:The join operation was not successful this could be because an existing computer account having name '$$$$$$$$' was previously created using a different set of Credentials.Access is denied.' Event Id: The machine @#@@### attempted to join the domain #$#%#$#% but failed. The error code was 1332.' 'The machine @#@@### attempted to join the domain but failed. The error code was 5.' Tried multiple domain accounts to rejoin the domain and got the same error, renamed PC and still the same error.I have used the same domain accounts to add Window 7 PC to domain without a problem.Help?

Windows 7 Join Domain Cannot Complete This Function

I have Windows 10 Pro (upgraded from Windows 8.1 Pro) and am having trouble joining the domain. All existing profiles and settings work, but today I needed log in with a user account which never logged in to that computer before. And I got the message:There are currently no logon servers available to service the logonTried these steps: log in to local admin, leave domain, reboot, changed computer host-name, reboot again, join domain.But now I'm stuck because I can't join domain again. I got message that domain name is not found or can't be contacted.I removed the computer from DC active directory, flushed DNS on computer and DC, rebooted DC, changed DNS manually on computer, enabled NetBIOS over TCP/IP on IPv4.