Dragon Age 2 Last Descent Armor

Posted : admin On 30.12.2019
  1. Enasalin Armor Dragon Age 2
  2. Dragon Age 2 Fallen Armor

Enasalin Armor Dragon Age 2

You can only change the armor's color and material if that armor has multiple colors and materials to chose from. If it only has one, nothing you do will change it. In that case you have to edit the texture. In case it has more colors and materials to chose from you do it by editing your save game file with GffEditor. Here is what you do:1. Open the desired save file with the editor (the one with.das extension)2.

Then in the list find the SAVEGAMEPLAYERCHAR then under that SAVEGAMEPLAYERCHARCHAR3. Then find and open the SAVEGAMEEQUIPMENTITEMS and find your armor's name (usually the second one from the top) and open it4. Find SAVEGAMEITEMMATERIALTYPE and change the last digit in the number you see there ( it ranges from 0 to 5)5. After changing the number press the save button in the left bottom corner6.

And finally go: file save asagain this only works if the armor has more than one color and material to chose from. I posted this under another topic, but it may be of some assistanceMetal:1000/2000 - Red Steel1001/2001 - Onyx1002/2002 - Silverite1003/2003 - Aurum (I.e.

Dragon Age 2 Fallen Armor

Gold)Wood:1101 - Red Cedar1102 - Black Walnut1103 - Silvered Ash1104 - Gilt BeechLeather:2100 - Crimson2101 - Jet2102 - Argent2103 - GiltCloth:2200 - Scarlet Dyed2201 - Charcoal Washed2202 - Silver Threaded2203 - Gold ThreadedThe pattern is Red tints (xxx1), Black tints (xxx2), Silver tints (xxx3), Gold tints (xxx4). While most of the tints are same regardless of the item they are applied to, i.e., any red material would look the same on a given equipment piece, there are caveats. For instance I tried giving an armor plate the Charcoal Washed material and it ended up purplish. Silver threaded seemed to give the same piece a reddish hue. So there is definitely room for experimentation here.Also note that certain items have predefined models which do not react to changes of material. A good example would be the Champion's armor pieces.