Granado Espada Frozen Girl Quest
Posted : admin On 02.02.2020Contents Scenario Quest:The Missing Village Prerequisites: CompleteRewards:1. Go to I6 of Katovic Snowfield and talk to Ludeza to start the Katovic quest.2. Go to I4 of Katovic Snowfield and click on all five boxes and barrels.3.
Return to Ludeza.The Investigation of Various Waters Prerequisites: Complete The Missing Village1. Talk to Ludeza.2. Go to C3 of Katovic Snowfield and click on all three Eltetahs (the tree-like things).3. Return to Ludeza.Snow Storm Apparition Prerequisites: Complete The Investigation of Various WatersRewards:1.
Talk to Ludeza.2. Go to Frozen Plain and hunt Snow Storm Apparition (1 / 1) for 25x Ghost Eye.3. How to get operator mod. Return to Ludeza.Avalanche Apparition Prerequisites: Complete Snow Storm ApparitionRewards:1.
Talk to Ludeza.2. Get a Red Jewel Fragment. This is a normal tradeable miscellaneous item that can be obtained by killing the Avalanche Apparition (5/1) in Snowfield of the Ice Wizard.3. With the Red Jewel Fragment in inventory, talk to Ludeza.The Power from an Unknown World Prerequisites: Complete Avalanche ApparitionRewards:1.
Talk to Ludeza.2. Go to E6 of Frozen Plain, where the Rynn's Heart is located. Drag the red jewel fragment from inventory and drop it into one of the Rynn's Hearts.3. Return to Ludeza to unlock the Ice Tower.4. Go to K5 of Snowfield of the Ice Wizard and click on the statue to open the gate to Ice Tower. The statue is only available in channel 1.
Click on the portal to enter the Ice Tower.5. Return to Ludeza.Trace of Cruelty Prerequisites: Complete The Power from an Unknown WorldRewards:1. Go to D7 of Frozen Plain and talk to Invierno several times until he gives the quest.2. Collect 20 Golden Apples, 50 Cabbages, 50 Wolf Meats, and 50 Beets. These are normal tradeable miscellaneous items. Golden Apple/Cabbage/Beet can be collected by planting seed in Urtius farm.Golden Apple is a rare drop from the tree-like Eltetahs in Katovic Snowfield and Frozen Plain.Cabbage is a rare drop from the Artic Lazim Lams in Katovic Snowfield.Wolf Meat is a common drop from the Artic Wolves in Katovic Snowfield.Beet is a common drop the Artic Sunflower Gorillas in Frozen Plain.3.Return to Invierno.4. Go to F8 of Snowfield of Ice Wizard and click on the box to receive one of the quest items (Hub Bunch).
Frozen Girl From In Can Empire
The other two quest items (Letter and Bag of Seeds) are located in trigger spots nearby. Walk about near the crate to get them automatically.5. Return to Invierno and click on the pot beside him.6.
Talk to Invierno again and go through all the dialog options.7. Go to Katovic Snowfield and talk to Ludeza.Trace of Cruelty Prerequisites: Complete Trace of Cruelty1.
Return to Invierno and talk to him some more.2. Go to D5 of Frozen Plain and click on the rock to summon a Artic Bear. Defeat the bear to receive the bladder.3. Return to Invierno.4.
Starstorm Ge
Return to Ludeza.