Remington Model 341 Scope Mount

Posted : admin On 21.12.2019
Remington Model 341 Scope MountModel

Most of the factories would mount a scope but it was unusual to do so.

Remington Model 34-A Bolt Action.22: Simply a ClassicByRemington Model 34-A w/scope. Photo by Walton P. Sellers, IIIThose of you who haveread my work in the past already know about my passion for vintage Mausers andthe esteemed David Tong has already done an exemplary job reviewing theRemington Model 341.22 bolt-action rifle on Guns and Shooting Online.

Remington Model 341 Stock

However, a recent purchase of mine has compelled me to write a review ofthe 341’s predecessor, a slimmer, more elegant and just as accurate piece known as the Remington Model 34.The Model 34 has asmall, but devout following. It is primarily known as a plinking/squirrelhunting gun par excellence that has often been passed down through generationsof small game gatherers.Approximately 161,000of these guns were produced between 1932 and 1935 at a cost of about $13.50 perunit, a princely sum in those days and doubtless one of the reasons the 34 wasdiscontinued by 1935. There were three major variants: the standard 34-A, whichwas equipped with open iron sights; the 34-P, which came with a Lyman peepsight; and the NRA Target, which was fitted with the peep sight and a commemorativebrass bolt handle.What made the rifleunique and rock-solid reliable was the shell-carrier design of Crawford CharlesLoomis of Remington Arms. The carrier would actually lift a.22 rimfire shell(all three varieties), out of the rifle’s tubular magazine into the chamber,simultaneously aligning it perfectly with the rifle’s bore. The bolt could thenbe closed, the safety operated and the trigger pulled for a safe and accuratedischarge of the weapon. The right-side safety switch also doubles as a boltrelease. There is a large, easily accessible takedown screw located at thebottom center of the forearm to facilitate removal of the barreled action forcleaning or maintenance.I first fell in lovewith the Model 34 in my late 20's, having fired an excellent example owned bylongtime shooting buddy Steve Kewley.


His rifle was passed down to him from hismother; it had been his grandfather’s squirrel gun. I just could not seem to missa target when the 5-pound, 8-ounce rifle came to my shoulder, despite the factthat my eyesight has always left much to be desired. I remember quipping toSteve that the old rifle must have been made equipped with radar.Now, 25 years later, Ihave finally gotten the opportunity to purchase my very own Model 34. My RemingtonModel 34-A carries a Tasco Pronghorn 4x scope. (I can hear the purists gnashingtheir teeth.) This modification is necessary due to my sub-par eyesight. The scopeis probably 1960’s-1970’s vintage, as it is screwdriver or dime adjustable forwindage and elevation.At 44-½ inches totallength, cradled in an exquisitely finished black walnut finger-groove stock, therifle's action sits snug and comfortable. The whole 24-inch barrel is done in adeep, rich blue, except for some minor wear at the front of the muzzle (thecrown is undamaged) and the absence of a rear sight assembly.

A reasonable assessmentof her walnut stock, wood-to-metal fit, the condition of her working metalparts and blued finish puts her at 90% of original condition. The barrel codesindicate that she was manufactured in October 1934. Was she a “safe queen”tucked away in a gun cabinet, or the cherished possession of an everydayhunting family for several generations? I’ll never know the answer to thatquestion. What I do know is that she will be both used and cherished within theSellers Family for at least as long as I live.Interestingly, this34-A does not have a standard rear sight dovetail. She sports original scopemounts that were probably special-ordered from and installed at the Remingtonfactory, making her a truly special specimen. Most Model 34-A’s sported adovetail mounted rear sight positioned well forward of the receiver, so as notto interfere with the working action of the rifle.

My scope mounts are placedjust in front and to the rear of the rifle’s breech. Shells clear the actionwithout a problem, but there is no provision for the standard iron sight, oreven an indication that a dovetail was originally present.How does she shoot? Sincethe third weekend of October, 2013 coincided with my 52 nd birthday,I had the opportunity to take the rifle to a makeshift range near the Sellersproperty to try her out. I suspected the rifle would perform well, becauseRemington 34’s have a legendary reputation for pinpoint accuracy. What I wasn’tprepared for was the degree to which the rifle's performance would exceed myexpectations.

Remington Model 341 Scope Mount Review

With virtually every brand of.22 LR ammo I tried (RemingtonGolden Bullet, Remington Thunderbolt, CCI Standard Velocity), the rifle keptgiving me single ragged holes (per individual 5-shot group) at 50 yards. I didhave to adjust the Tasco scope wayover to the left before I started hitting the bullseye, but this did not detractfrom the desire of my 79 year old rifle to shoot extremely well. It is nowready to go head-to-head with any squirrel, rabbit or varmint that crosses our path.Skeeter Skelton, the well known American handgun writer, said it best: “I sometimes miss, the gundoesn’t.” 1930’s Remington rimfire craftsmanship, plus many rounds of.22 LR onhand, equals hours of pure shooting ecstasy.