Aldila Nv 44 Magnum Review

Posted : admin On 02.02.2020
  1. 44 Driver Shaft

Was dead set on buying a Callaway Epic Sub Zero. Went to test different shaft options but after an hour of hitting the epic with results identical to my old AeroBurner driver with all forms of the Epic I tried the 2017 M1. Spin rate dropped from 3100 to 1980 consistently. Distance was average 10 yards longer.

And most importantly, mis-hits were much less impacted (lower spin rate). Obviously, I walked out with the new M1. 4 out of 5 because the price point makes me sick but I can't argue with the performance numbers. I have the Taylormade Areoburner and just went to Dicks to try our both the 2016 and 2017 M1 and M2.

Aldila nv 44 magnum review youtube

After hitting balls until I was exhausted, I didn't notice a huge difference between the M1 and M2. They were both maybe 5-10 yards longer than my Areoburner and didn't see much difference between the 2016 and the 2017. However, everything changed when I tried the 2017 440 driver. With this driver I was hitting the ball 26 yards farther consistently.


44 Driver Shaft

It had the low launch stiff shaft and the roll out was much greater accounting for the increased distance. I'm thinking about going back to have them install the same shaft on the M2 and 460 M1 to see if it was the shaft that accounted for the increased distance. I'm going to wait on more reviews, but right now I would buy the M1 440 for the huge 26 yard difference. Do you think it was the shaft?