Create Desktop Shortcut Chrome

Posted : admin On 22.12.2019

Hi,On images that we build we install the chrome browser (all users version). The cheeky little thing always creates a desktop icon when a new user logs in, despite there being no obvious way of preventing this (no all users desktop folder icon, no startup/logon process or task). We have also found this to be the case when deploying Chrome via group policy.This is not good because:A: It didn't ask us if it could do this.B: We manage our desktop icons via redirected desktops for most users, this just makes us look silly, all the icons we want are there in their nice little group folders, but oh look, there's important Chrome, as always, standing out on it's own.I assume there must be a reg key that controls this?

Does anyone know what we can do to stop this?Thanks! Not sure why people are having difficulties with this but just tried Chromes directions and it works like a charm. No desktop or taskbar icon. All I did was get their enterprise bundle here which has a preferences file all created. You just need to edit true/false where needed. Place that file in the install location and no more icons. Maybe they fixed things in the latest version?

Fallout new vegas starting perks. Not sure but I would give this another try because I have all of 10 minutes involved and was thinking it was going to be a pain to roll out Chrome in our organization.Oh ya the bundle also has the ADMX files for GPO managing which also works like a charm. It's to bad Google makes managing their browser much easier than MS does their own browser on their own OS.

Create Desktop Shortcut Chrome

PPC wrote:Thanks S.Lee, brilliant, for me this should do the trick as I remove all Taskbar icons with GP anyway so our users don't see the chrome taskbar icon anyway, but I'm aware of it. Haven't tested this yet but I believe you!Would be nice to find what line can also prevent the taskbar icon (if possible).Yeh! Ive half tested it, i know it doesnt create the Desktop Icon, But havent had time to prevent the taskbar icon, if i can find the reg key i might kill that, but havent got the time, as working on a server migration and automating it completety, and supposed to be doing a big OSD Project next wednesday, but could do with sorting the chrome thingie as well! S.Lee wrote:George1421 wrote:Interestsing, a little google-fu found this page:it says that the admx file can control 260 different settings. You'd might think that desktop icon would be one of them.Isn't that post deplyoment tho?Yes, post deployment.There is a philisoply here of deploying standard images and then correcting them via GPO. Its just a methodology that allows changes post deployment without having to remaster the reference image.

That would give you the 'option' to reverse it later. That admx template creates registry keys, someone could mimic the action by creating these registry keys during/post application deployment in MDT then these settings still could be reversed with AD GPO if needed. I'm not suggesting that other methods are bad, I just like to avoid being called back to fix wizardry that I created 6 months before. George1421 wrote:S.Lee wrote:George1421 wrote:Interestsing, a little google-fu found this page:it says that the admx file can control 260 different settings. You'd might think that desktop icon would be one of them.Isn't that post deplyoment tho?Yes, post deployment.There is a philisoply here of deploying standard images and then correcting them via GPO.

Create Yahoo Desktop Shortcut


Its just a methodology that allows changes post deployment without having to remaster the reference image. That would give you the 'option' to reverse it later. That admx template creates registry keys, someone could mimic the action by creating these registry keys during/post application deployment in MDT then these settings still could be reversed with AD GPO if needed. I'm not suggesting that other methods are bad, I just like to avoid being called back to fix wizardry that I created 6 months before.Hmmmm might look into it. Maggieoconnor wrote:Does this happen only if you installed with a standalone exe, or also just from a straight download? I know this is an old post, but just ran across this issue.Hi Maggie, What ive found is that even with the enterprise msi download,only part of the masterpreferences file actually works for example I still get a desktop icon and taskbar icon, however you can remove the desktop icons using some simple PowerShell to remove file, however to remove the taskbar icon I am a still stumped, I know theres a reg value you could use - I just need to find it!For example the PowerShell am using is ' Remove-Item -Path 'C:UsersPublicDesktopGoogle -Force'. Batchfile msiexec /qn /norestart /i '%dp0GoogleChromeStandaloneEnterprise.msi' if exist 'c:Program FilesGoogleChromeApplicationmasterpreferences' copy /y '%dp0masterpreferences' 'C:Program FilesGoogleChromeApplicationmasterpreferences' if exist 'c:Program Files (x86)GoogleChromeApplicationmasterpreferences' copy /y '%dp0masterpreferences' 'C:Program Files (x86)GoogleChromeApplicationmasterpreferences'reg add HKLMSoftwarePoliciesGoogleUpdate /f /v AutoUpdateCheckPeriodMinutes /d 0sc stop gupdatesc config gupdate start = disabled. You can run a few simple lines in a logon script to detect and delete if the.lnk exists.

Google chrome create desktop shortcut

How To Add Google Chrome To Desktop

Use the following lines in batch:IF EXIST 'C:Users%USERNAME%AppDataRoamingMicrosoftInternet ExplorerQuick LaunchGoogle Chrome.lnk' DEL /Q /S'C:Users%USERNAME%AppDataRoamingMicrosoftInternet ExplorerQuick LaunchGoogle Chrome.lnk'IF EXIST 'C:Users%USERNAME%AppDataRoamingMicrosoftInternet ExplorerQuick LaunchUser PinnedTaskBarGoogle Chrome.lnk' DEL /Q /S'C:Users%USERNAME%AppDataRoamingMicrosoftInternet ExplorerQuick LaunchUser PinnedTaskBarGoogle Chrome.lnk'After a restart the pinned icon should disappear.Callan.