Battle Field 2 Euro Force
Posted : admin On 19.01.2020Thisdownload-only booster pack is worth sitting in a foxholefor. By ColeSmithMarch25, 2006 - Battlefield2: Euro Force is not an expansion pack to Battlefield2 but a booster pack that can only be purchased online.It adds new content while retaining the same gameplayformula without treading old ground.Newmaps, new vehicles and a new army, the Europeans,have all been added. Compared to a regular expansionpack, the new content is a little thin but this iscalled a booster pack and it's sure to give BattlefieldII's gameplay a boost. At less than ten bucks it'sa lot cheaper than a night out at the movies, andit will last a hell of a lot longer. Servers are alreadyincorporating these three new maps into the game whichmeans that if you don't have this booster pack toact as an upgrade, you're going to have to find anotherserver that doesn't use the new maps. While this isa great booster pack it doesn't set out to fix allof the main game's glitches.
You'll experience someflaws, crashes, bugs and some new balance issues thatfavor specific classes.Thewarring factions now include the U.S., China, theMiddle Eastern Coalition and the European Army. Outof the three maps there is only one in which the Europeanscan take on the Chinese. This is the Great Wall mapwhich takes place in, on, and around the Great Wallof China. The Wall itself figures prominently intothe game as it can be used as a barrier, vantage pointand even as a form or urban combat when troops taketo the interior of the walls. Troops can fight itout on top of the walls without worry about what'sgoing on below. Inside the wall there are very fewexits and entrances which makes for perfect placesto plant mines.OperationSmoke Screen takes place in the burning oil fields.The thick smoke obliterates sections of the map dependingon wind conditions.
This map is relatively big andreally widens the scope of combat to include vehiclessuch as tanks, jeeps and aircraft. The Taraba Quarryis the most open of all maps but it takes place ina large canyon which teams can exploit for tacticaladvantages if they travel its perimeter. You can thinkof this map as a desert map where armored vehiclesand aircraft rule. Infantry can still deal with armoredvehicles by using anti-armor weapons which are veryeffective.
Choppers can really turn the tide of battleby targeting the spawn points and firing continuallyat them. These attack helicopters are virtually impossibleto shoot down with a machinegun and the antitank missilesare not available for use in this booster pack. Beforeyou can get the chopper to show any signs of damageyou'll be at the mercy of its cannons. This givesthe choppers an unfair advantage over the infantry.I hope the developers patch the antiaircraft missilesback in.Jetfighters are also virtually invulnerable. They canmake mincemeat out of tanks. The only way to stopthese hellions of the sky is to fight fire with fire.Let your infantry deal with the enemy's armored divisionon their own and send your pilots into dogfights withthe enemy aircraft.
Battlefield 2 Xbox 360
Not only will this help to preservesome of your tanks but the aerial combat is cool towatch.TheEuropeans bring new weapons to the game includingthe Benelli M4, HK 21 light machine gun, FAMAS, P90rifles and the Super 90 shotgun. New vehicles includethe Leopard 2A6 and Challenger 2 mini-battle tanks,the Tiger HAP attack chopper and the Typhoon T1 fighter.The weapons are a nice diversion and add some varietybut there's not one weapon that is superior to anythingfound in the main game.
Maybe you will prefer theSuper 90 shotgun for it's destructive capabilities,but for my money, I want my hands wrapped around amachinegun. I don't even care which model.Thegame suffers from occasional bugs such as automaticallybeing labeled as Private upon entering the game. Thenthere's the red color-coded bug that display playersin red instead of blue. I also experienced a crashin the second day of play. Talking to other playersthey said that was common. And speaking of speakingto other players, it's imperative that you team upwith players that use microphones to communicate witheach other instead of the keyboard. This game is fast-pacedand it's a lot more convenient to keep your triggerfinger on your firing mechanism than on the keyboard.You also won't find a buddy list online.
If you wantto keep track of your favorite players you're goingto have to access a different program which is a painin the butt since it should be standard issue in agame such as this.Froma production standpoint, the game is nearly flawless.The environments are rich, the character models arerealistic and they display fluid animation. The weaponsare very easy to control and they really pack a sonicpunch.Battlefieldis definitely one of the best action games in themarket. You can play it alone or with more than 60other people online. It's intense and a lot of fun,yet you don't have to slog though repeat missionsto level-up your character's attributes. There isliterally hundreds of hour of gameplay here. The factthat many servers are now integrating these maps almostforces you to have to purchase this upgrade especiallyif you've found a favorite server and don't want toswitch.
You can expect more of these booster packsin the future in an attempt to get you to spend moremoney. But if all of them provide this amount of contentfor less than ten bucks, then it's money well spent.Features:. Thebattle expands in this first booster pack to 2005'shit game Battlefield 2. Take the powerfulnew Euro Force into action as you battle for controlof all-new Asian locations. Theall-new Euro Force Army, with a full arsenal ofthe latest technology.
3new maps, from battles in the Taraba Quarry andOperation Smoke Screen to close-quarters mayhemaround the Great Wall of China. 4new vehicles including the Leopard battle tank,Eurofighter Typhoon, and Tiger attack chopper.
7new weapons including FAMAS and P90 rifles.ByCole SmithCCCSenior Writer.